Touch for Health
Clinical Intensive Retreat
Next Retreat in...
May 5, 2025


Touch for Health Levels 1-4 in an intensive 7-day formatÂ
Experience balancing for your own authentic goals, both as demonstration for the class, and as independent practice with your class peers. Emphasis on each member receiving several balances from the instructor and from their peers to FEEL it, and observations of many demonstrations by the instructor.
You Will Need
- NONE -Â This is an excellent clinical review of TFH techniques if you have had the weekend workshops, and may be counted as a repeat of levels 1-4 for those fulfilling their TFH Consultant requirements.

Required Books: (pre-purchase before class)
Recommended- required for TFH Proficiency:
Touch for Health BooksWhat People are Saying
L.N. THROSSELL, Perth, Australia
“The TFH training at the Serra Retreat in Malibu was fabulous! The quiet, relaxed and spiritually nurturing environment was a bonus on top of the interaction with other participants from all over the world lead by an expert instructor, Matthew. I have very fond memories of my time there and was very glad I made the commitment to attend all the way from Western Australia, a journey of more than 20 hours in the air. Thank you Matthew.”
“Touch for Health intensive retreat was a great experience! It was so fun to learn so much in such a short time and to be able to cement what we learned during the day into evening practice with the other students. Matthew is a wonderful teacher and very patient while we learned the skills. He did a great job with making sure we understood the material. The location was beautiful as well and the hosts were super nice.”
“It was a life changing experience in which I learned new ways of using Touch for Health for myself as well as others.”
“The TFH Clinical Intensive was Wonderful! Unlike anything I have experienced!”
EDITH, Poulin, Quebec
“I had entered the Intensive with great curiosity and excitement, but definitely with a sizeable dose of apprehension; I felt unsure I could manage the pace and leave here with enough integration of the four levels offered in seven days. Sure enough, I saw each participant go from Zero to Hero under Matthew’s generous guidance and benevolent ways. I am now heading home with the confidence that I not only understand TFH, but I am now equipped to support the expansion of my clients and family members. I hadn’t suspected this experience could be this transformative! In turn, I saw my peers beaming and being brought to tears of joyand disbelief after a TFH balance. An honour that I will go on cherishing.”
What is Touch for Health?
Touch for Health is a system of balancing posture, attitude and life energy for greater comfort, vitality and enjoyment of YOUR life.Â
Touch for Health is the most widely used system of energetic kinesiology in the world. Learn more about this easy, simple, and safe system of kinesiology (muscle-testing and energy-balancing) with goal-setting and creative visualization.
Learn about Touch for Health